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New Year Resolutions

How many of us have the usual New Year’s Resolutions each year?

First I will lose the weight I have been carrying around. Then comes the I will get organized, especially that closet where I will color code my clothes. I don’t forget the daily exercise promise. The usual resolutions erupt each year with each one broken by the first week. A majority of us do not keep our New Year’s Resolutions past January 15.

So what are we to do?

I like what the reporter suggested on the CBS Sunday Morning Show. For our resolutions, she suggested that we all commit to love ourselves more this year. The next resolution she suggested is to love others more. Her final suggested resolution was that each of us promise to be kinder to ourselves and to others. I loved what she said. We can all do this. Just imagine committing to these simple resolutions. The more we love ourselves and others, the massive energy created will make our weight drop off of our bodies. This weight loss will probably make us organize our lives and be on the move to love each other more.

What a life-changing year this would be if we all did this. I’m tired of my same old resolutions so why not try her’s?

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