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Study Shows Weight Loss Might Help Your Memory

weight loss improves memory, weight loss tips, ways to improve memory, memory tips,

Looking for weight loss tips or ways to improve memory? Research shows that you can do both. A new pioneering study tells us that weight loss improves memory and concentration. It’s one of the new benefits of losing weight.

Weight Loss Improves Memory

Overweight people have a greater risk for cognitive and memory problems. A team of researchers led by associate professor of psychology at Kent State University, John Gunstad, studied the memory of people weighing 300 pounds. Over 100 patients had bariatric surgery, a surgery that makes the stomach smaller and bypasses part of the small intestines.

Patients who had lost an average of 50 pounds showed improvement in memory and executive function of the brain. Dr. Gunstad experiment shows us that as the body gets healthier, so does the brain. The National Institutes of Health funded the study that was published in the journal, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.

Mindful Memory Tips and Weight Loss Tips

Want to lower your weight?Looking for ways to improve memory? Listed below are a few helpful weight loss tips and memory tips.

  1. Rethink your schedule. Fit a couple of 10-minute workouts into your schedule each day. You can have a morning jog, lift weights when you get home from work, and do pushups before bed. But remember, when you workout before you eat breakfast, you will loose and burn more calories. You’ll also feel great for the rest of the day.
  2. Take a work break. When you’re at the office, don’t spend your work break at your desk. Use those few minutes to do your body some good. Take a brisk walk around the block with five to ten-pound weights in your hands. The fresh air will be great for your physical and mental health. You can even encourage a coworker to join you; it’ll be a great opportunity to bond with your coworkers.
  3. Get your pets in on the action. Your pets can a great source of motivation for your daily workouts. Instead of walking your dogs, consider jogging with your four-legged companions. You can also rollerblade with your dogs. Do your pets love the water? Consider going swimming with them; swimming is a great source of exercise. And don’t forget pet yoga.
  4. Center yourself in the morning. When you start your day off with exercise it can help center your mind. Early morning yoga or Tai Chi is especially for helpful for slowly waking up in the morning.

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