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Take a Green Holiday: Part One

Taking a vacation can be a relaxing way to make new memories, especially during the holiday season. However, vacations can also be expensive and strain the environment. So, this holiday season why not try planning a different kind of vacation, whether you want to be environmentally conscious or one with nature.

Part One: Eco-Friendly Vacations

If you’re just looking for simple way to be environmentally conscious during your holiday vacation, here are some tips:

  1. Reconsider your destination. Avoiding travel by plane or car can significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released in the air. This limits your vacation options, but choosing a vacation spot close to home can also save you money.
  2. Green accommodations. When making your hotel reservations make sure they are “green” certified. This could mean that they have energy saving water systems or have decorated their rooms with eco-friendly materials. and has a list including the San Francisco Hilton and the Castelli Hotel in Greece.
  3. Adjust the heating and cooling. When leaving your hotel room for the day, adjust the thermostat so not to waste energy in an unused room.
  4. Green means of getting around. Take advantage of public transportation as much as possible. Walking or renting a bike can also be a great way of exercising and sightseeing.
  5. Eat locally sourced food. Buying and eating food locally grown supports their community and cuts down energy used to ship products to that area. Now you have another reason for ordering lobster in Maine and lamb in New Zealand.
  6. Bring your own coffee cup and shopping bags. Finally, try using biodegradable or reusable containers while on your trip.

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