Dangerous Stress Myths

Stress Myths Can Be Dangerous to Your Health There are many myths about stress. Some of them based on your personal experiences, articles you have […]

Can Breakfast Make Seniors Stronger?

Muscle strength dwindles as we get older—that’s why eating meals packed with protein is so important. While people tend to include some source of protein […]

Beware of Secondhand Stress

Feeling stressed at work and not sure why? Maybe you’ve caught a co-workers stress. Indirect stress is a dangerous health hazard, especially at work. Stress […]

Start Lifting Weights Today

Lifting weights can help you build muscle, lose fat and gain mental and physical strength and endurance. Lifting weights increases your metabolism and burns fat. […]

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Super Stress-Busting Foods

Stress Is Eating You Up When we feel stressed, many of us turn to food to ease the tension. This incessant snacking can lead to low […]

Writing Your Own Anxiety Prescription

Writing can reduce stress. According to experts from PsychCentral, writing engages your left-brain, which is known for critical thinking and logic. Writing distracts your left-brain […]

Pets Reduce Your Stress At Work

Feeling stressed at work? Consider checking your office policies about having pets in the office. Having your favorite four-legged friend at work with you is […]