Which type of empty nester are you, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

Which Type of Empty Nester Are You?

When children leave home every parent experiences it differently this is also known as the empty nester syndrome. Understanding what type of empty nester are […]

late summer garden crops, vegetable garden,

Late Summer Garden Crops

Do you have a vegetable garden? It’s time to start thinking about fall harvest crops. In addition to maybe some late summer tomatoes, there are […]

Healing Powers of Music

The Amazing Power of Music. Music has amazing healing power for the mind, body and, soul. Listening to music reduces your stress and has many […]

Mindful Travel Series: Summer Festivals

This summer we presented a Mindful travel series to inspire others to take a relaxing break from the everyday hustle and bustle. Our three previous […]

#SayHerName: Marielle Franco

The murder of Marielle Franco, a Brazilian city councilor, was a shock not just to Brazil, but the entire world. People everywhere are expressing their […]

Greatest Health Threats of 2020

The World Health Organization announces the greatest health threats for 2020. Each year the W.H.O. lists the greatest threats to our health for that particular […]

Start Your Impossible and Stay Motivated

Olympic Inspiration The 2018 Winter Olympics were astounding. The incredible Olympic athletes always inspire us to follow our dreams and stay motivated. Many athletes have […]