We have long been told that at least eight glasses of water a day will keep us healthy and hydrated. However, did you know that “eating” your daily dose of water could be better for your body?
According to experts, 60 percent of our bodies are made of water. It’s essential to our livelihood as it regulates our body temperature, lubricates our joints, carries nutrients to cells, and more. We constantly lose water through things like exercise and the heat of the environment. You could drink fluids to replenish your body’s supply of water or, according to new studies, you could eat more fruits and vegetables.
Substitute Water With Hydrating Foods
In a SheKnows interview, Dr. Howard Murad, an associate clinical professor at UCLA, proposes that if you don’t drink eight glasses of water a day, you can replace a serving with raw fruits and vegetables. Also, health enthusiast, Anastasia Stephens, reports on a hydration study by the University of Aberdeen Medical School. They found that fruits and vegetables act as a two-in-one meal and hydrate better than water or sports drinks.
Why should you hydrate with fruits and vegetables? Some of these delicious foods are primarily made of water and they also offer other vital nutrients that water doesn’t have like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They are also healthier than most sports drinks.
Hydrating Fruits and Vegetables
If you’re thinking about adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, consider the eight juicy options listed below.
- Watermelons. These fruits are 92 percent water. And they’re a great source of vitamin C, which helps your immune system, and vitamin A that aids your eyesight.
- Strawberries. These treats are a good source of potassium (essential for heart health) and antioxidants. They’re also made up of 92 percent water.
- Grapefruits. They’re 91 percent water and have essential nutrients like fiber and vitamin B6 which is great for brain function.
- Cantaloupes. These melons are full vitamin A, vitamin C and 90 percent of water.
- Cucumbers. They not only have vitamin C and folic acid; they also consist of 96 percent water.
- Lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is full of vitamin K and it’s also 96 percent water.
- Tomatoes. They’re full of vitamin A, vitamin C and 93 percent of water.
- Sweet Peppers. They have vitamin E, which may slow the effects of aging, and 92 percent water.