In recent years more companies and corporations have made sustainable efforts, like the fashion industry. Now, the green message has made its way to the big screen with two types of green films.
What are green films?
There are more Eco-films being made to educate people about the environment. There are also more film production companies who are using sustainable means to make their movies. Both types of films are serving a great purpose in the industry.
The most recent environmental films that the general public may be aware of are Al Gore’s global warming film, An Inconvenient Truth, and Leonardo DiCaprio’s environmental film, The 11th Hour. There are, of course, plenty of other eco-films that are produced every year that unfortunately get less publicity. They range in topics from investigating “organic” production to oil spills to the environmental movement in general.
One of the best ways to learn about new documentaries and eco-films is to research environmental film festivals. These festivals are held around the year and around the world.
Here are some suggestions to help you get started:
Yale’s Environmental Film Festival
United Nations Association Film Festival
Going Green Film Festival
DC Environmental Film Festival
From the transportation to numerous locations to the building and dismantling of sets to the production office, all of the work that goes into creating a film can generate a lot of waste. It’s been said that if a film company used recycled paper for their scripts and other official needs 156 trees could be saved. And if they used hybrids they could reduce their fuel use by 30 percent and save almost $20,000 in production costs. Fortunately, there are agencies who work behind the scenes of films productions to ensure a sustainable and entertaining final product.
Green Media Solutions is just one example
They offer many environmental strategies like carbon calculating strategies, environmental workshops, and coaching. Green Media Solutions has even consulted with films like Away We Go with Maya Rudolph and It’s Complicated with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin.
So show your support for this budding green trend. Watch an eco-film or research that film you’re planning on seeing and find out how the movie has impacted the environment.