When school starts again you may find it hard to separate your kids from their many gadgets so they can focus on their school work. Well, fortunately, know you don’t have to. There are many mindful school apps out there that can actually help children with their studies.
Here is a list of Mindful School Apps:
- Apps for foreign languages. Help your kids grasp foreign languages with innovative apps. For instance, For Dummies has an app for learning different languages like French and Spanish. The app is complete with a dictionary, flashcards and videos.
- Apps for geography/history. Students will learn that history surrounds them every day with the History Channel’s GPS-operated app, HISTORY Here, which offers fascinating facts about the historical landmarks in your area. Also, many museums have apps with facts and virtual tours. Consider the Library of Congress app or the American Museum of Natural History’s Dinosaur app.
- Apps for literature. Would your kids like to read their classic book assignments on the go? There are numerous apps for that like 23469 Classics to Go. If they need a reference let them try the Dictionary.com app. And in their spare time they can use their smart device to study for the SATs with apps like SAT Flashcards.
- Apps for math/science. The right equipment can help them solve any problem. Alego and MathPac offer graphing calculator apps for advanced math studies. A mobile periodic table app can help them learn about different elements. And if they’re interested in learning about space programs, NASA has an app for that.
- Apps for organizing. The best way to get good grades is to stay organized. Your kids can use apps like MyHomework and StudentPlan Timetable that have calendars and reminders for the class schedules, homework, and tests. They can also keep track of their grades and calculate their potential scores with apps like GradeTracker or GPA Calculator.
- Apps for studying. With the right app, your kids can turn their smart devices into the perfect studying center. Instead of rereading their notes they can try recording their notes with apps like Evernote. They can even create their own digital flashcards and study for tests using apps like gFlash or Flashcards*.