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New Tech Tools You Gotta Have

Every time you turn around there seems to be a new gadget or app on the market that guarantees to change your life. You may be a bit skeptical but, with your busy schedule how can you ever find the time to research all of the new gizmos. Well, here is our Mindful Technology cheat sheet of the best Mindful Apps, websites, and  new tech tools of these past few months.

According to 148 Apps Biz, 600- to 800 apps have been submitted to the iTunes App Store per day for the last two years. As of January, the iTunes App Store had over 560,000 apps. Not sure where to begin?

Listed below are some new tech tools we suggest.

  1. For the unorganized business professional. CardMunch is a new app by LinkedIn. With a snap of your iPhone, you can take a picture of a business card and upload the information the contacts on your phone and to LinkedIn.
  2. For those who are on the go. Hipmunk, an app for iPhones and Androids, has a heat map that shows you the best hotels and landmarks in the city you’re visiting.
  3. For those who love road trips. Road Ninja uses GPS to determine your location and lists restaurants, gas stations, stores, and hotels for every interstate exit.

The internet continues to grow every day. Websites like Mashable state that since 2009 3.7 million new domains are registered each month. Want to know which websites are worth your time? Listed below are some suggestions.

  1. To better search the web. Kyoo collects information about different topics from websites like YouTube, Google News, Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr for you to view.
  2. To celebrate your interests. Pinterest allows you to create and post collages of your interest from work to fashion to recipes to crafts to decorations.

Last, but not least, here are some other tech tools that you’ll love and want to try:

  1. If you want to stay on top of notes. Springpad is an app that lets you take and organize notes. You can create lists, save clips from the web, and record memos.
  2. If you want an uncluttered Inbox. allows you to get rid of those pesky, unwanted emails. The program will help you unsubscribe from various mailing lists.


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