Mindfully Prevent Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s and dementia is the sixth leading cause of death among Americans. You can preserve your mental health by reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. […]
Alzheimer’s and dementia is the sixth leading cause of death among Americans. You can preserve your mental health by reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. […]
Serenity is the opposite of stress. Learn a few simple practices that scientific research has proved lowers blood pressure, slows aging, lowers your heart rate, […]
Do you find yourself chronically fatigued? Perhaps tired during the day and relying on caffeine to keep going? Our society is so go-go-go that scores […]
Research tells us the following practices create health in our mind-body connection and help with stress reduction. Breathe This is the foundation to de-stress and […]
Why is a hug the best medicine? University of North Carolina researchers studied the effects of hugs on our health. The team studied partners as […]