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The Financial Grind Continues

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Are you starting 2013 with money stress as your number one worry? A recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that three out of four Americans feel that money is the primary source of stress in their lives. Financial grind doubles our likelihood of periodontal (gum) disease. Chronic financial stress can cause teeth grinding and salivary changes. It can also weaken the body’s ability to fight gum infection. Financial grind can also lead to heart disease, hypertension, obesity and many other diseases.

In order to protect your family, you’ll need to know the stress symptoms that might appear in your children and the family. Some of the symptoms are listed below.


GI, headaches, sleep problems, weight gain, fatigue, colds and flu, immune system problems, skin problems


Anxiety, nervousness, moodiness, depression, irritable, memory problems, anger


Withdrawal, anger, arguments, quiet and nonresponsive

Are you ready to take action against financial grind? Check out the tips listed below.

New Year Tips for Financial Stress

  1. Be honest. Tell the truth about debt; pull out all the bills and discuss.
  2. Call your lenders. Talk to the lenders and tell them the situation.
  3. Strategize. Create a plan. You will feel more in control and reduces stress at the same time.
  4. Plan family meetings. Get the entire family on board. Ask everyone in the family for creative ideas on creating income.
  5. Start a family budget. Design a family budget with all family members. Have each family member create their own budget and together develop a family budget
  6. Have hope. Hope reduces stress and creates happiness. Teach your children this valuable lesson as you struggle through these tough financial times. Remember every obstacle is an opportunity.

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