New Travel to Animal Sanctuaries
If you need a break from work then you should definitely take a short vacation trip. This year we have created a series of vacation ideas that are great for the whole family. Our Mindful Living Network travel series has covered national parks and museums, and summer festivals. This week we take a closer look at animal sanctuaries.
Why Animal Sanctuaries?
When you make your vacation plans be sure to squeeze in time at a local animal sanctuary. At both zoos and animal sanctuaries, visitors can expand their knowledge about the animal kingdom, but there are differences between the two. Animal and wildlife sanctuaries primarily take in neglected and abused animals that have rescued from dire circumstances such as circuses and theme parks. These sanctuaries also take in injured animals that can’t be safely released into the wild and exotic animals that people illegal take on as pets.
There are so many sanctuaries to consider for your visit. Some specialize in one animal or take care of a variety of species. For instance, the Farm Sanctuary in New York looks after cows, chickens, and sheep, while the Big Cat Rescue in Florida mainly looks after felines. There are also many sanctuaries that aren’t open to visitors, so be sure to do your research before your vacation.
If you love animals and are concerned with our environment, then visiting or volunteering at a local wildlife sanctuary is a fun way to learn and spend your free summer days.
3 Ways Enjoy Time At An Animal Sanctuary
Visiting an animal sanctuary is a different experience from your typical zoo visit. Often, visitors are not allowed to explore on their own for safety reasons, so there are usually various escorted tours. Visitors get to learn about the histories of the animals in the sanctuary. Also, how we can help animals like them in the wild.
Grounds maintenance, gift shops, animal care, and special events all of this take a lot of work to run an animal sanctuary. So, while some sanctuaries don’t allow visitors, they do look for volunteers. Consider signing up for a volunteer position at an animal sanctuary near your home. By volunteering, you can surround yourself with animals all summer long.
While you’re visiting or possibly volunteering at local wildlife sanctuary don’t forget to donate to the organizations as well. Money is always welcomed. Some preserves actually have a wish list of items, such as cleaning equipment and food dishes for the animals. Ask your local wildlife sanctuary for further information.
Check out part four of this series here.