A properly equipped potting station (also known as a potting bench or gardening table) is like command central for a gardener. It typically holds seeds, soil, fertilizer, pots, water cans, and gardening tools. When you don’t have a garden, a potting station can also double as a showcase for your plants. With a little ingenuity, you can create these five easy DIY potting benches as your weekend project.
This week, garden clubs across that country are celebrating National Garden Week. You can celebrate too by creating a potting station and getting more involved in gardening activities. Potting stations can fit anywhere—in your backyard, on your patio, or even on your balcony.
Listed below are five DIY potting bench ideas for your house.
- A dresser potting bench. Do you have an old dresser that you no longer need? With some woodworking skills and a little paint, you can repurpose that dresser into a potting bench. You can find in-depth instructions here.
- A china cabinet potting station. People tend not to keep expensive china anymore, so very few homes have use for china cabinets. With a few updates, such as ceramic tiles and paint, you can transform the old cabinet into a potting station complete with tool storage. You can find step-by-step directions here.
- A changing table potting bench. Once the kids grow up you’ll no longer need that old changing table. Instead of throwing it out, update it! By adding a shelving area to the old changing table you can update this old piece of furniture into a centerpiece for your garden. Check out the transformation here.
- A desk potting station. A desk is another furniture piece that you can easily update into a potting station. The drawers can be a great place to store seeds, gardening gloves, and garden tools. You can also add other elements to update the desk even further. This potting station project, for instance, is made from an old desk and window shutters.
- A headboard potting table. This DIY project is more advanced as it requires additional wood and building skills, but if you have an extra wooden headboard lying around it’s perfect. You can use both the headboard and footboard for this project. You can find further instructions here.