Are you already struggling to keep up your exercise routine? Don’t fret! There are simple ways for you to stick to your exercise plan and see your summer body come through this year.
4 Ways To Keep Your Exercise Routine 
Curate a Personalized Workout Playlist
Do you like to listen to music while you run or lift weights? If so, consider creating your own motivational playlist. You can download your favorite songs to your phone or iPod, or you can create your own playlist on a music streaming service. If you need a few ideas for songs, check out these songs from Fitness Magazine. They have something for everyone, including hip-hop, dance, country, and rock.
Reward Yourself With Cash
Money can be a big motivator for people. If you’ve got a few bucks to spare, you can pay yourself to exercise. Consider adding $1 or $5 to a jar for every workout you complete. Keep the money pot going and once you’ve reached one of your health goals consider buying yourself a treat.
Create an Exercise Motivation Wall
A vision board typically consists of pictures and phrases that represent our life goals and aspirations. To keep up your exercise routine, consider making a workout motivational wall. On a wall in your bedroom, bathroom, or home gym, hang up signs with your favorite inspirational quotes or pictures. Also consider including a health checklist, workout ideas, and other cool things. Use bright colors and accessories. Keep your wall fresh by updating your wall regularly.
Buy the Right Gear
Sometimes all it takes for you to feel rejuvenated is a new pair of sneakers or exercise gadget. Consider jazzing up your exercise routine with the latest tech equipment, like an electronic fitness tracker (such as Fitbit) or wireless workout headphones. Even if you don’t have the dough for a new tech gear you can still splurge on a new water bottle or workout shirt.
Bonus. These aren’t the only tips that will keep you motivated. Try taking fitness classes with friends or participating in recreational sports. This will help keep you active because your friends and teammates will hold you accountable and encourage you to show up. For more ideas, check out this article on staying motivated.