The Power of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an integrative medical approach to healing various conditions in the mind and body. This practice involves inserting thin needles into the skin or […]

Animals Are Stress Busters

Animals Reduce Your Stress Our four-legged friends reduce stress and are good for your physical, mental and emotional health. The shelters are overflowing with animals […]

Wellness and Aging

Wellness means more than just the absence of illness. Focusing on wellness and aging while practicing self care helps us put our emphasis on prevention […]

Healthy Aging Month

Lots of us focus on “defying” aging, but why not embrace? By focusing on youth we overlook the beauty, wisdom, and grace that comes from […]

Teen Tech Stress Crisis in America

A study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry shows technology is short-circuiting your teen’s life. This new JAMA study tells us that teens, who spend more than […]

National Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day is celebrated on September 12. Each year we hope to raise awareness about the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of mindfulness in every aspect of […]

A Nap a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A short siesta could literally improve your life, but not all U.S. companies see napping as the tool to increase productivity that it is. Drowsiness […]

Stress Leads to Diabetes?

Diabetes is a complicated disease that affects millions of Americans—every year 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes can lead to a host of […]

Mindfully Reduce Work Stress

What if you could take a pill to reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, insomnia, chronic pain, diabetes, obesity, cholesterol and […]

Caffeine and Sugar Accelerate Stress

It’s National Nutrition Month, a time to evaluate the food and liquids that you consume and their impact on your body. For instance, did you […]