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Flu and Cold DIY Ideas

cold and flu

With flu season having already begun and cold season here, now is the time to start stocking up on your cold and flu remedies and gear. You’ll need to buy batteries for your thermometers and extra medications of course, but there are also some cold and flu equipment that you can make at home. Listed below are DIY project ideas that can help when you or your family aren’t feeling well.

DIY Heat Packs

The flu and colds can leave your body feeling kind of achy. Fortunately, heating pads can help relax your muscles and help you feel more comfortable. You can easily make your own heating pad at home by sewing a pouch (using cotton fabric and thread) and filling it with uncooked rice. Pop the rice pouch in the microwave for a few seconds and you’ve got yourself a DIY heating pack. You can find easy step-by-step instructions at Mary Martha Mama.

DIY Ice Packs

If you’re already burning up, a heat pack may not be useful. Instead, try an ice pack. You can easily make your own with instructions like the ones featured on Dabbles and Babbles. The ice packs themselves are made with a freezer bag filled with one part hand sanitizer and three parts water. It also suggested that you add an additional freezer bag and tape the opening closed for extra security. You can then create an ice pack cozy using extra fabric and thread. For more information, check out the Dabbles and Babbles website.

DIY Vapor Rub

Vapor rub can help clear congestion, which is great for colds. However, store-bought vapor rubs often have petroleum in them, which isn’t the most mindful of ingredients. Fortunately, you can make your own vapor rub using Indie Lee’s recipe (featured on Well and Good). The recipe calls for coconut oil (instead of petroleum), beeswax, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, lemon essential oil, lavender essential oil, and niaouli essential oil. You can find instructions on how the ingredients should be mixed together here.

DIY Cough Drops and Pops

Got a sore throat? A homemade remedy could be just the cure you need. With a few ingredients, you can make your own cough drops using honey, fresh ginger juice, and mint extract or raw honey, coconut oil, and cinnamon. If you’re looking for a recipe that will literally cool your throat, try “cold popsicles,” like this one made with chamomile tea, honey, ginger, and lemon. It will soothe your throat and help you feel better.

Bonus. You can take your cold and flu prep a step further by making your own electrolyte drinks and soothing tea. Want more suggestions? Check out this Mindful article.

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