Honey Is Your Secret Allergy Weapon
Tired of sneezing, coughing, and red eyes? Spring allergies have sprung and you must be tired of visiting expensive allergist/doctors/specialists and taking lots of over-the-counter drugs and incessant visits to the health food store. All these allergy medicines take time, energy and money.
Instead of feeling miserable and resorting to OTC or prescription anti-histamines, try nature’s allergy solution: honey. There are many benefits of honey and it can be your secret allergy weapon.
Honey for Allergies
While the evidence regarding honey’s immunizing qualities is anecdotal, avoiding the countless side effects of taking anti-histamines are certainly worth a try. The cost savings to this remedy is also inviting: 2lbs of local honey harvested from last year is around $10 (it also lasts for a few months), versus $12 for 12-pills per pack in OTC remedies.
Research shows that allergens in honey are delivered to your system in small, manageable doses, much like flu shots or immunization shots, which allows your body to build up an allergy tolerance over time. The key to this remedy is finding locally sourced honey.
An informal study conducted at Xavier University on allergy sufferers found that local honey has the most anti-allergy benefits, in comparison to non-local honey or no honey at all. Since local honey is created through local bee pollinators, chances are you can start building your immune system against the pollen that has been plaguing you all spring!
How to Find Natural Remedies for Allergies
- Check out local grocers or organic markets. Many local beekeepers run small farms and do not widely advertise their honey crop.
- Consult with your local beekeepers’ association. Visit American Beekeeping Federation website to find a local chapter near you. Another great resource is the National Honey Board. The National Honey Board filters the floral source, which is great for people who are only allergic to certain pollen (and not every flowering plant). The board can point you to a local honey source.
- Take one teaspoon of local honey daily. In addition to honey by itself or in your tea, supplement your immune system with probiotics and kefir to combat the affects of allergies.
- Instant relief. Soak a towel in warm water, squeeze out excess water and put it over your eyes/over your forehead. Relax, because while temporary, this will get you back on your feet so you can start searching for local honey in your area.
NOTE: Not to be tried by children without first consulting a doctor.