October is Stress Prevention Month. Given the volatile, unstable world in which we live, stress is increasing in our lives. We’re inheriting a more stressful world. It is crucial for your mental and physical health for you to learn how to build your stress resilience. Financial stress is still the number one stressor of Americans. Financial stress affects your health, high blood pressure, weight gain, insomnia and work problems (greater absenteeism, lower productivity). Studies show financial stressors are the number one problem in marriages. Research shows resilience to stress can be developed by engaging in some simple renewal rituals. The following renewal rituals are scientifically proven to be stress reducers.
5-Minute Renewal Rituals:
- Meditation – Try a 5-minute meditation at MindfulLivingTV.com and your brain can grow.
- Breathe – Close your eyes and breathe. Experience the oxygen racing to your brain.
- Buddy system – Find a friend to confide in and reduce your stress level.
- Ecotherapy – Get outside during your busy day. At work, walk around the building. At home, explore nature or play outside to lower stress and depression.
- Listen – Enjoy some music to increase your serotonin levels.
- Laugh – It sends oxygen to your brain and increases your artery diameter by 22 percent.
- Play – Exercise to produce endorphins and serotonin, the relaxing hormones. Get moving by taking a walk, trying a few yoga stretches, tai chi or chi gong.
Renewal Rituals help you:
- Increase energy
- Reduce stress
- Induce relaxation
- Increased productivity and creativity
- Create resilience against daily stressors