'Blank Paper' Question

The ‘Blank Paper’ Question

There’s a somewhat well-known moral story commonly referred to as the “blank paper” question. As the story goes, a professor walked into his classroom at […]

Paid in Full with a Glass of Milk

Here is a heartwarming story that shows us sometimes the smallest act of kindness is repaid in extraordinary ways. In life, what goes around comes […]

The Miracle of $1.11

Who ever heard of the miracle of $1.11? We bet you won’t soon forget it… This video tells of a little girl named Tess who […]

Live A More Honest Life

Have the Courage to Live an Honest Life When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need […]

stress shrinks the brain, stress and mental health

Stress Is Shrinking Your Brain

Stress is linked to brain shrinkage. A recent stress and mental health study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio reports […]