Can Pomegranates Improve Your Health?

Pomegranates–they not only taste delicious; they’re also packed with nutrients. Plus, there are many great pomegranate health benefits. In honor of National Pomegranate Month, let’s take […]

foods for pain relief

10 Foods for Pain Relief

Pills aren’t the only way to deal with pain. Home remedies like hot water bottles and warm tea are known to work wonders on migraines […]

Why We Overeat, overeating, how to stop overeating, why we overeat, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Eating Everyday, Eating Everyday, Mindful Health, Health

Consequences of Overeating

Large meal portions and extra servings can affect our waistline, our wallets and the fate of our planet. But, why exactly do we overeat? Why […]

health benefits of chocolate

Is Chocolate Good for You?

Cocoa, known as “god food,” has been beloved by civilizations for centuries. It was considered an aphrodisiac and today, it’s consumed in large amounts. In […]

caramel apple, snacks, autumn, fall

Fall Caramel Apple Snacks

Celebrate autumn by making treats with the season’s most popular harvest: apples! Caramel apple snacks make a great party favor and this fun recipe will […]

eco, halloween, halloweencandy

Eco Halloween Candy Tips

What’s Halloween without candy? Handing out sugary sweets at the front door or at a house party is all part of the fun. This Halloween […]

Delicious Mocktails for Autumn

Fall is a season full of delicious flavors and yummy desserts—from pies with crisp apples to buttery pumpkin spice lattes. If you want a little […]

pumpkin spice. fall, oat balls, energy balls

Pumpkin Spice Oat Balls

Fall is all about pumpkin spice—from pumpkin spice lattes to pumpkin spice cookies. If you can’t get enough of this must-have fall ingredient, you’ll love […]