Incidents of domestic violence are far too common in this country. It’s estimated that 1.3 million women become victims of physical assault by an intimate partner every year. Fortunately, October is the month for spreading awareness on this issue and preventing future cases of domestic violence.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, making it a perfect time to increase our knowledge about domestic violence. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. These cases of stalking, physical assaults, and rapes have tremendous detrimental psychological and physical effects. There are financial costs as well. The cost of intimate partner violence exceeds $5.8 billion each year, of which 85 percent is for direct medical and mental health services.
Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police. The consequences can also become generational as children from homes with domestic violence can become psychologically impacted. Stopping this cycle of violence begins with us.
So, if you’re concerned about the controlling or abusive behavior of your partner consider asking yourself some important questions this month like:
- Is my relationship healthy?
- Am I anxious, depressed or fearful in this relationship?
- Do I believe that the more I love my abuser the better our relationship will be?
- Do I have to check in during the day with my partner so they know where I am? Does he/she follow me?
- Am I being physically abused? Is my partner or family member touching or hitting me in any way?
- Am I being emotionally abused? Is my partner or family member cursing, yelling, or belittling making me fearful at any time?
- Am I afraid to leave my relationship?
Other important questions you should consider asking yourself:
- Am I verbally or physically abusing others?
- Do I suspect or know anyone in my family, at work or in my neighborhood who I believe is being abused?
Consider asking a counselor, cleric, the police or online if you suspect abuse in any situation. There are many online agencies that are ready to help you also. For more information, visit www.theredflagcampaign.org or www.ncadv.orgStop .