Eco Halloween Decor

Are you doing some last minute shopping for your Halloween party? Need some decoration tips? Here’s an idea to go green and have a creepy […]

Straws are an Environmental Crisis

My friend, Laura Turner Seydel, has been an environmental Nostradamus, especially about the straw catastrophe, for many years. She has been foreseeing the crisis about […]

going green movement, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Green Living, Lightbulbs, Energy saving lightbulbs, benefits of going green, going green is good, go green ideas

Going Green is Good For Your Health

Over the years, families, schools, and companies around the world have been going green. This environmental initiative has changed the way we think about our […]

Living Green with Plant Jewelry

A great piece of jewelry should be able to make a statement while still being cost efficient. Fortunately, if the statement you wish to promote […]

Make Your Own Fall Air Fresheners

Fall is literally just around the corner. If you want to give your home a distinct fall scent, skip the chemical pumpkin spice air fresheners […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Mate, Mate

Plan a Eco-Friendly Wedding

Weddings can be costly; in fact, the average wedding costs nearly $27,000. But weddings can hurt more than our wallets; it can also hurt the […]

Going Green at Work

The recent news about the Paris Agreement has many people worrying about climate change. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do personally to […]

vinegar cleaning solution, vinegar stain remover, white vinegar for cleaning, Cleaning rust with vinegar,

Vinegar Can Do Just About Anything

Your pantry is full multi-purpose items that can transform your home, in and outside the kitchen. And one such mindful household staple is vinegar. Want […]