A Purr-fect Travel Companion

A scottish bicyclist named Dean Nicholson has a new best friend as well as a purr-fect travel companion. One day while he was biking near […]

5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins has some of the most amazing advice. She calls it the 5 second rule. She suggests that when you feel a sliver of […]

Tiny Puppy Loves Racing On Wheels

TurboRoo is a chihuahua who was born without his two front legs. Read his inspiring story and learn how 3d printers and an ingenious, specialized solution gave this dog a new lease on life.

The Land of a Thousand Stray Dogs

Territorio de Zaguates aka Land Of The Strays is a place like non-other. 378 acres of mountainous fields where 1000’s of stray, injured, and abused […]