life in the universe, alone in the universe, life on Earth

I Hope We Are Humans Not Alone

Are We Alone in the Universe? There is more research to think we earthlings are alone in the universe. Some scientists have taken a new […]

2020: The Year of Mindful Living

Thank you for trusting our message and commitment to save our people and our sacred planet. We need to learn to live mindfully now more […]

Holiday Homemade Ice Cream

Yes, it is the holidays and time for gingerbread, pumpkin pies, turkey, dressing and cranberry dishes. But as I was going through my recipe box […]

Importance of Veteran’s Day

Everyone Honor Our Veterans Today

The Importance of Veteran’s Day Veterans Day honors those who have served in the past, present, and future.  Veteran’s Day is a sacred day of […]

Deflection Instead of Reflection, Deflection, Reflection, Spiritual Reflection

Practice Reflection Instead of Deflection

What is “our current state of deflection?” Chuck Todd on Sunday’s NBC Meet the Press used this provocative phrase. He said this about the current political […]

Please Resurrect Us From Our Incivility

Let’s Stop Our Current State of Incivility Our current climate of discord includes political divides, haunting social media influences, our climate crisis, Covid vaccine misinformation […]

an abusive father, physical and emotional abuse, domestic violence

Why Didn’t You Just Leave?

Why Didn’t You Leave? “Why don’t you just leave Mom?” “Please leave.” These were the daily mantras of my tortured life as a child. I […]

kavanaugh hearing, christine blasey ford testimony, misogyny and brent kavanaugh, women stop victim mentality

I Know Who is Telling the Truth

Today is the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and the Brett Kavanaugh hearing for his nomination to the Supreme Court. One of the members of […]

How Self Discipline Can Kill Your Soul

I receive daily inspirational quotes that I love from One I received the other day really threw me for a loop. “Self Discipline Can […]