911!? It’s the Holiday Season!
It’s almost that time again – the days after Thanksgiving and the December celebrations (Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza) are upon us. Unfortunately, many of us are concerned about our finances during this time of year. Because of this, many of us are very stressed and simply just trying to survive the holidays. Well, now is the time to stop surviving and start thriving. This year, you can beat holiday stress by learning some holiday stress tips and create memories that will not hurt you financially in the coming year.
5 Amazing Tips for Surviving the Holidays
Family Meeting of the Minds
Organizing your family is key to surviving the holidays. Everyone in the family needs to be on the same page. Plan a meeting for your family to create a plan for the holidays. Make a list of goals, needs, and plans of each member of the family–it may take some time, but it will help with your holiday stress management. Also, compile a holiday calendar that lists each activity will reduce confusion and misunderstandings.
At the beginning of the holiday season fill a folder with a list of people who will get gifts, the cost of the gifts, and the cost of any meals, new family clothing, and travel activities. This helps you feel in control, less overwhelmed, and less shocked when the bills come in later.
Buy as many gifts as you can online or by mail ahead of time and take advantage of early sales. You can give a gift certificate to the person’s favorite store or restaurant. Or consider purchasing tickets online for concerts, sports events, or theater performances. You can give a gift to the person’s favorite charity in their name.
Another key to holiday stress management is a well thought out travel plan. Use a discount travel site to book your trip and save money. Travel with your favorite blanket, pillow, or music to lower stress. Plan your meals ahead of time so you are not eating junk food. Take a care package for each child with a snack, some entertainment, and a change of clothing for small children. All these tips will help you create a more mindful travel experience.
Holiday Blues
If you are going to be alone during the holidays, volunteer at one of your favorite charities. You may want to contact a relative you have not seen in years, an old friend, or neighbor. Try something new. Go on a trip with a ski, running, or sports club and meet new people.
Now that you’re armed with some new ideas and holiday stress tips, prepare for your best holiday season yet!