Many people look forward to the holidays, but it can be a difficult time – physically, financially, and emotionally. The Gallup Organization published a survey showing 76 percent of American adults reported losing sleep between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. In fact, about half of respondents, 49 percent, reported losing three or more hours of sleep per week. Fortunately, examining your holiday stressors and following the five Mindful sleeping tips can send you off to la-la land in no time.
4 Reasons You May Be Losing Sleep During the Holidays
There are many reasons why Americans are losing sleep at this time of year. Listed below are just some of the top holiday sleep stoppers.
- Finances. Overspending can lead to major financial problems. Three out of four people overspend and they said they spent more money during the holidays than they had expected. Worrying about how much money you spend during the holidays can keep you from getting enough sleep.
- Entertainment. Planning and hosting holiday parties can be extremely stressful. Party hosts make endless shopping trips, stay up late for party preparations, and it can all become overwhelming. Holiday party guests also experience stress. Thirty-seven percent of people schedule too many activities and go from one party to the next.
- Reminiscing. The holidays are a time in which many people remember loved ones or fond memories. In fact, forty percent of people lose sleep over memories of a close relative, parent, spouse or child.
- Family issues. Gathering the family together for the holidays can be a challenge. Thirty-three percent of people report “hot button” family issues as the reason they lose sleep over the holidays.
5 Sleeping Tips for the Holidays
If you need to get more sleep this holiday season, you need to reduce your stress. Consider the Mindful quick tips for holiday stress tips listed below:
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