It’s Puzzle Time!
Puzzles are a powerful tool that reduces stress, increase your memory and help low the aging process of the brain. Research suggests that puzzles stimulate […]
The Stress Institute®, a sister network site of ours, is a center for the collection and dissemination of information on the impact of stress on health. It provides stress reduction and mindfulness training to individuals, companies, and families. Choose a sub-category from the main menu or check out all the articles below.
Puzzles are a powerful tool that reduces stress, increase your memory and help low the aging process of the brain. Research suggests that puzzles stimulate […]
Everyone retires, but not everyone is emotional or financially prepared when it comes to planning for retirement. According to a AARP survey, 43 percent of […]
Make sure you schedule regular naps during this busy holiday to refresh your mind, body, and soul. A short siesta could literally save your life. […]
With aromatherapy you can use fragrant essential oils to improve your health, your mood and reduce stress. To relieve headaches brought on by stress, consider […]
Have you, your husband, your father, and your brothers had their annual doctor’s checkup? If not, now is the time for you to encourage them […]
Stop the Worry Habit We can worry ourselves sick over everything from our bank account balance to our kids picking up some strange disease or […]
It’s fall and Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. Eco-therapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a […]
Stress Can Make You Gain or Lose Weight When you’re stressed it can impact your appetite and alter your food cravings. Too much stress can […]
Need a health boost? Maybe all your body needs is a shot of optimism. A study published in the Health Psychology journal examined the levels […]
Positive role models aren’t just for kids. Everyone needs someone to look up to and November, National Inspirational Role Models Month, is the perfect time […]