Healing After a Mass Shooting

Healing After a Mass Shooting

Surviving a mass shooting can have long-term effects on your mental and physical health. Some common post-shooting reactions can be disbelief, shock, disorientation, anger, fear, […]

Contagious Stress at Work

Contagious stress spreads at work and will affect your family and personal life.Yes, believe it or not, stress is contagious at work. So, it’s important […]

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The Effect of Flowers on Human Beings

Why are flowers important? What is the effect of flowers on us? They reduce stress and depression! Having flowers for your home or having flowers […]

Are You at Risk for Brownout?

The American Psychological reports that 65 percent of employees reveal that work is a significant source of stress in their lives. Our workplaces continue to […]

Experience Joy in 7 Simple Steps

Put More Joy Into Your Life Why are some people so upbeat and seemingly unfazed by troubles or tension? How do they handle today’s busy […]

Read Your Stress Away

A Book is Good Medicine Have you been feeling down lately? Do you have a book on your nightstand that you’ve been meaning to read? […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family, Family, Stress

Overstressed Children Symptoms

Families, especially our children, are experiencing incredible levels of stress these days. Families the nucleus of a child’s life must address how violence and technology […]

Hug the Flu Away

Yes, it’s flu season, but a good hug can be just what the doctor ordered. A published study suggests that, in addition to making us […]

When Loved Ones Stress You Out

We love our family and friends, but sometimes they can be unexpected sources of stress. When they experience stress we can often “catch” their anxiety […]

Get Rid of Stressful Clutter Now

Living in clutter is a great source of stress. When you can’t find your car keys, your favorite blouse is missing and the report you […]