Post-Holiday Detox Tips
In less than a week the holiday season will be over and a new year will begin. It will be a time of cleaning, including […]
Mindful Eating Everyday® means cultivating the awareness and respect of how food affects your body, mind, and emotional health. This will make you more aware of the appearance, smells, and textures of your food well as the types of foods you put into your body. You will also find a large collection of great recipes that not only taste good, but are good for you and also easy to make. Bon Appétit!
In less than a week the holiday season will be over and a new year will begin. It will be a time of cleaning, including […]
Easy Yummy Holiday Fudge Are you looking for easy Christmas sweets to serve at your upcoming holiday gathering? If so, fudge may be the solution. […]
There’s no better way to stay warm on chilly nights than drinking a hot brew of herbal tea. There’s a variety of brands, but fresh […]
Soup is a miraculous and tasty dish. It can bring communities together, warm your soul, and according to recent research, it can also trim your waistline. […]
Transform Your Thanksgiving Leftovers Got leftover holiday tofurky or turkey? Have some yummy creative fun by turning your leftovers into new savory meals your family […]
Got a ton of leftover food from Thanksgiving? Don’t know what to do with it? Try revamping your previous meal into a whole new creation […]
Thanksgiving has become synonymous turkey dinners. According to the National Turkey Foundation, 46 million turkeys are prepared on Thanksgiving and nearly 88 percent of all […]
Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to come together. It’s also a time in which extra pounds sneak up on us. According to […]
Here are some healing superfoods that you should have in your diet on a daily basis if possible. Food is a natural medicine for your […]
Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed? Do you eat to feel better hoping to calm yourself when you’re sad or anxious? Stress, isolation, […]