Military Family Appreciation Month

Military Family Appreciation Month

It’s not just the military service members who sacrifice for our freedoms. Military families make many sacrifices as well. Do you know someone in the […]

From Stress to Authentic Success

Listen as the ‘Queen of Stress’, Dr. Kathleen Hall, explains her view on stress with many practical tips and strategies on stress resilience and mindful […]

Tips for Building Strong Relationships

Bad habits like keeping your feelings to yourself or bickering with your mate can have disastrous consequences in a relationship. However, taking the time to […]

romantic vacations for two, travel tips for couples, romantic trip for two, vacation ideas for couples, travel together, couples vacation, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Travel, Travel

Romantic Vacations for Two

Dr. Schwartz reports on Psychology Today that a “loving relationship is created by accumulating a memory bank of experiences that is both proof of compatibility […]

are you really free, self assessment, find your freedom, our country's birthday, how free are you

How Free Are You, REALLY?

Today’s question: “How free are you, really?” July is the month of our country’s birthday which symbolizes freedom. The Secret of Happiness is Freedom Take […]

Freedom is the Oxygen of the Soul

Do Your Freedom Check Up Moshe Dayan’s quote, “Freedom is the oxygen of the soul,” reveals the essential nature of freedom in our lives. July […]

patriotic, patriotic-themed, july, independence day

Fun and Delicious July 4th Meals

Are you planning an Independence Day party? Do you need some yummy recipes? Check out these fun patriotic-themed meals! 6 Patriotic Recipes for July 4th […]

Conserving Water in Your Garden

Our gardens and lawns get especially thirsty in the heat of the summer. Quenching that thirst can take a lot of water which can be […]

The Story Behind Father’s Day

Father’s Day has been celebrated in the U.S. for over 100 years. And in that time, millions of children have thanked their dads for their […]