A stress check-up is an important life tool in which you analyze your stress and make improvements. Start your new year off by starting a checklist and conducting a Mindful Living audit to reflect on your stressful experiences of the past year. Afterwards, it will be easier to prepare for the upcoming year.
Tips to conduct your New Year’s Stress Check Up
Not sure how to start conducting your stress check-up? Listed below are some suggestions that you may find helpful.
- Emotional health stress check-ups. Begin your emotional stress check-up by mindfully reflecting on the past year. Evaluate how stress has affected things like your mood and your spiritual health. Write down your feelings and stay committed to making changes in the future. Instead of letting stress sour your mood, come up with plans to channel your stress. For example, consider desk gadgets to help reduce work stress.
- Physical health check-ups. To determine how stress has affected your health, note any stress symptoms that you may have experienced like insomnia, headaches, or indigestion. Review your diet this past year and in the future try to include more stress-relieving foods like almonds, oranges, and salmon. Determine which of your workouts helped you reduce the most stress and consider implementing more sessions this year. Also, consider making an appointment with your doctor.
- Relationship stress check-ups. Evaluate how stress has affected your friendships and relationships. Sit down with your partner and reflect on how your relationship has grown and/or been hindered over the past year. Use your relationship check-up results to make changes for this year. Also conduct a check-up for your friendships by reflecting on key moments, both good and bad. As a result of the check-up, try and determine if you can improve things or if the friendship is just too toxic.
- Financial stress check-ups. Conducting a money stress check-up can help relieve financial stress. Review how much you saved and spent in the past year. Use your findings to make more informed decisions in the future. Review the progress you’ve made with your debt, investments, retirement plans, credit score and your kids’ college savings. Then, Use your findings to help you make better financial decisions.
- Occupational stress check-ups. Lastly, consider conducting a check-up for your job. Start by reviewing positive things like the work goals you’ve accomplished or the bonds you’ve formed with coworkers. Also reflect on the things that have caused you stress like long commutes, office politics, or unreasonable bosses. Afterwards, come up with plans to reduce your work stress this year or start a plan to find a new job.