Piano for Elephants
They say an elephant never forgets, and the elephants at Elephants World in...
Just 15 Minutes Can Save Lives
Bird Crisis: Nearly 3 Billion Birds Gone Since 1970 The first-ever...
Tony the 150lb German Shepherd’s Incredible Story
Laying in an animal shelter in Sacramento California was Tony, a 150lb...
Adorable Animals: Tiny Piglet’s Whole World Changes When She Meets This Baby Cow
Nobody thought this piglet would survive. But with the help of fruit punch...
Adorable Animals: First Taste of Freedom -Starving Horse Becomes Gorgeous And Happy
This horse was so hungry that she stuck her head in an electric fence...
Adorable Animals: Mama Bear Struggles To Get Cubs Across Street
Watch this adorable video showing this mama bear as she hilariously herds...
Turnip the Dancing Tortoise
This video of a ‘dancing’ tortoise is sure to make your day!...
Adorable Animals: Capuchin Monkey LOVES Whipped Cream
Check this adorable video featuring Gaitlyn Rae, a very happy 8 year old...
Adorable Animals: June And Waffles
June is a rescue raccoon who’s spoiled rotten — she’s always...
Let a Guide Horse Be Your Guide
Pinocchio said “Let your conscious guide horse be your guide”...
Hilarious Cat Videos – Ultimate Cat Video Compilation
Check out this hilarious cat videos in this compilation that features some...
Adorable! Labrador Dad Teaches Puppies To Swim
Check out this adorable video that shows loving Labrador retriever dad who...
Amazingly Smart Dogs
We hope you enjoy this video compilation of some amazingly smart dogs. You...
Funniest Dogs and Cats Compilation Video
We hope you enjoy this video compilation of some of the funniest dog and...
‘A Collective Time of Character’ – A Call to Help Unwanted Animals
Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York State, said “This is a collective...
Motivational Video of Adorable Baby Bear Refusing to Give Up
This motivational animal video features an adorable baby bear shows why...
Can Your Dog Say ‘I Love You’? Mishka Can!
Do you think your dog talks? Well, Mishka the Husky definitely does! Just...
Frozen Treats for Pets this Summer
Summer is here and depending on where you live, this hot weather is not...
Kathryn Dudeck: Hawk Hero
Meet Kathryn Dudeck, Hawk Hero. Her actual title is Wildlife Director at...
Pet-Friendly Offices
Pet care can be a challenge when you have to work from home. So it’s no...
Vacation Ideas for Pet Lovers
Are you going on vacation with your family this summer? While you’re...
How to be an Eco-Friendly Pet Owner
Are you looking for ways to make your home and lifestyle more eco-friendly...
The Mysterious Disappearance of Bees
We need bees for more than just their delicious honey. Every year, bees...
Summer Safety Tips for Pets
Finding the summer heat unbearable? You aren’t the only one. Our pets can...
Urban Beehives Save Bee Populations
Urban beekeeping is one of our future keys for not only the survival of...
Turtle Power
Turtles have long been respected by various cultures around the world. For...
Good Acres Sanctuaries
Good Acres Sanctuaries aims to be a sanctuary for animals as well as...
5 Ways Pets Boost Your Health
Your Best Friend A pet is certainly a great friend. After a difficult day...
Pamper Your Pooch with DogTV
Leaving the radio or television on for your pets when you’re away from home...
A Cat Can Save Your Life
Choose a Cat or Home Spa? In America there are 95.6 million pet...
The Dangers of Exotic Pets
Some exotic pets, like hedgehogs and tarantulas, have become unique...
Pets in the Workplace
Whether it’s a dog, cat, or fish, having a pet in the workplace is not only...
4 Super Cute DIY Pet Beds
You love your pet! They give you warm kisses on cold mornings, the cuddle...
Homemade Pup Food in a Snap!
Millions of people are starting the new year by investing in their health...
Life Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets
Pets are not only our loving companions; they can also be our most valuable...
10 Toxic Table Scraps for Pets
Many humans treat their pets like family, showering them with love via...
A Purr-fect Travel Companion
A scottish bicyclist named Dean Nicholson has a new best friend as well as...
Keep Dogs From Digging Up Your Yard
Dogs Love to Dig While we connect with nature by tending to our gardens and...
Say No to Easter Pets
Baby Animals Are Common Easter Pets Baby animals (such as bunnies, lambs...
Local Dog Parks Enhances the CommUNITY
Dog parks are more than lawns where canines can run free. These parks are...
3 Spring Snacks for Your Dogs
Health Dog Treats Your Dog Will Love Spring is all about embracing warm...
5 Reasons To Adopt A Dog
1. They Motivate Us To Start The Day I don’t think any of us enjoy...
Adopting a Second Dog
The biggest difficulty of introducing a new dog to the family is...
Enjoy Yoga with Your Pet
Yoga Improves Your Dogs Health Practicing yoga can do your body a world of...
Find Your Pet a New Home
We all love our pets, so the idea of giving them up can be painful. Sadly...
Saving the Arctic Giants: A Call to Protect Polar Bears
Does the picture of an adorable polar bear warm your heart? Well in 40...
Please Help Someone In Crisis Today: Foster Animals Who Need Temporary Housing
Be A ‘Safety Net’ For Someone in Need During this pandemic...
Purrfect Happiness: Cat Ownership Brings Health and Joy to Your Life
Most individuals feel isolated and lonely these days. Many of us live in a...
Pet Obesity on the Rise
Overeating is a dangerous problem for people around the world...
Why Should We Be Mindful of Animals?
8 Questions About Animals in the Workplace Why is it good for people to...
Save the Penguins!
From Emperor and Adelie to King and Macaroni, penguins are some of our most...
Music for Pets Only
Some say that over time pets can take on the personal traits of their...
Gifts for Your Four-Legged Friends
It’s been a tough financial year for many Americans, but this hasn’t...
Purrfect Holiday Treats for Pets
While you dine on your favorite holiday dishes don’t forget about your...
The Land of a Thousand Stray Dogs
Territorio de Zaguates aka Land Of The Strays is a place like non-other...
Should You Get Pet Insurance?
Our pets are more than just companions; they’re family. We want to protect...
Welcome to the World of Birding
A growing number of people are experiencing the joy, peace and health...
Spooktacular Pet Treats
Halloween isn’t just for the kids. Pet owners across the country will be...
Thinking of Adopting a Furry Friend?
Adopting a furry friend is a lifelong commitment. It is not a spur of the...
Reduce Pet Burnout
Humans aren’t the only ones to get stressed out. Our beloved four-legged...
Yes! Dogs Do Smile!
For years, scientists have questioned the canines’ abilities to...
Lost Your Pet After a Natural Disaster?
Losing your home and possessions in a natural disaster can be devastating...
Harmful Over-the-Counter Flea and Tick Products
Summer is approaching and so are those pesky pests such as fleas and...
Myth Busting on Pet Adoptions
When we decide to bring a pet into our family what makes use pick the...
Welcome to the World, Baby Panda
Welcome to the world, baby Panda! On August 21, 2020 the Smithsonian’s...
Feral Cats: Taking Over Your Neighborhood?
Feral cats are shunned in many neighborhoods because they have a reputation...
Keep Purring Towards Better Health
Think that your cat’s purring is pretty loud? Think again! The Adams family...
Aid for Houston Animals
People all over the U.S. are sending disaster relief aid to help the Texans...
5 Fireworks Tips for Pets
For Independence Day, many Americans will be celebrating with...
A Death Sentence, Labeling Specific Dog Breeds
“They’re not dangerous if you raise them right, and neither are...
A Once in a Lifetime Swim
Check out this incredible once in a lifetime swim captured on drone footage...
Breed-Specific Legislation in the U.S.
Breed-specific legislation (also known as BSL) is enacted by...
Do You Have an Empathetic Four-Legged Friend?
Dogs make great companions; their childlike optimism is almost infectious...
Mow Your Lawn with Sheep
Throughout the years, mowing your lawn will cost you a lot of time and...
Adopting a Designer Dog
Designer dogs have been made popular by recent media attention and...
Track Your Pooch or Cat with a GPS Collar
Dog tags are old-school and having a microchip imbedded in your pet is...
Preserving Your Pet
Psychologists say that pets are the “ideal attachment figures” due to their...
Pets in the Workplace Reduce Stress
Many employees are in favor of having pets in their workplace and believe...
Selective Animal Conservation
We all want to do our part to save endangered animals, but our biases for...
Coping with Pet Allergies
Have you or a loved one been sniffing and sneezing around a new family pet?...
Naki’o: The Bionic Dog
Dogs are our companions, but they also serve as great inspiration in our...
Top Endangered Animals of 2012
Our human population, pollution and deforestation rates continue to rise...
K-9 Four-Legged Heroes
This past Memorial Day, Americans honored the brave men and women (both...
Panda Brothers: Speak to the Hand
From Explore.org (who is streaming live webcam feed from the Bifengxia...
A Penguin that Stands Out in the Crowd
In mid-January, the Lindbald Expeditions-National Geographic Journey to...
Year of the Red Panda
Believe it or not, the top animal of 2011 wasn’t a crafty YouTube cat or a...
Baby Seals: A Home Invasion Down Under!
Two weeks ago, a New Zealand woman named Annette Swoffer heard odd sounds...
The Wolf That’s Taken the World by Storm
It’s not very often that a wild wolf captures the heart of Americans, but...
Robin’s Nest at the Bird Sanctuary at Oak Haven
This video was taken on my farm at Oak Haven®. It’s so meditative to...
An Adoption Story: Baying Hound & A Loving Owner
A while back, Canine Adoption Network (CAN) took in a dog, Cooper, from a...
The Ultimate Beast, GoDaddy.com CEO Bob Parsons
Bob Parsons just jumped to the top of my list of the “Worst Person in the...
Dr. Jacob DeLaRosa: Surgeon Saved Boy and Dog’s Lives
Dr. Jacob DeLaRosa is a cardiothoracic surgeon with a great heart of...
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